Salary Cap Fantasy KabaddiESPNCricinfo / IPL-T20 Type Traditional Fantasy Kabaddi
(Team Under Salary Restriction)

Kabaddi Season-7 Back To All Tournaments

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You can play private leagues for free or pay for customization packages to modify 100+ league rules.


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Advantages of purchasing package
  • Get multiple rules to customise at lower cost
  • Get dedicated admin support and whatsapp group
  • Get full control of your league rules and customise as per your requirement


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It covers the most popular rules used by our users


For more hardcore fantasy users covering Pro rules


This covers any custom requirements and new developments
  • Click the icon to expand for more details!
  • No. of Members per league

  • Premium Experience

  • Capture Memories During the season, we will host talk show with members of your league.

  • Absolutely clean layout, without advertisement, built to play only custom private leagues.

  • Team Submission Rules

  • Create 2 teams for 2 upcoming matches if trades set to a limited value.Create teams for all the matches in advance if trades set to unlimited. Edit each team until their respective start time. Helpful in odd time-zones and/or in busy schedule.

  • Default Value

    You can choose to update your team based on three formats, day, match or round for TPB.

  • Default Value

    If selected yes then the team changes will be locked after the first match of the round/day starts.

  • PlayOffs Formats Options

  • Enable the playoffs format followed in NFL Fantasy

  • Trade Options

    • Default Value

      Number of trades allowed Control how many changes in the team you want to allow for your league members

      Free Trades for Each Match/Round Number of free trades to be offered for each match / round.Not applicable if No.Of trades are unlimited.

      Number of carry forward free trades This setting will allow you to choose the maximum number of free trades which can be carry forwarded to the next match/day/round.

      Additional charges for using extra trades Once the alloted trades are exhausted, additional trades can be purchased at the cost of fantasy points.Choose the cost of fantasy points for each extra trades.

      Lock to Lock Trade Enabling this setting will consider the changes made only between the deadline of previous and the next match. Not applicable if No.Of trades are unlimited.

  • Playing Team

  • Advance Team Structure

  • Default Value

    Pick real teams in fantasy team This setting will allow team manager to pick the real teams in their fantasy team.

    Pick dummy players in fantasy team This setting will allow team manager to pick the dummy players in their fantasy team.

    No Of Player Sets Choose the number of player sets.

  • Player Customization

  • You can modify player role / category / base bid value in this league.

  • You can modify the salary of the players in this league.

  • Team Lock Rules

  • Default Value

    This feature allows League Managers to restrict Team Managers on updating their team players X minutes before match time.

  • Default Value

    If selected yes, Opponent's team and your team will be invisible to other managers, until the start of next match or round.

  • Restrict any team changes to be made in your league, with or without C-VC changes.You can enable/disable it at any point during the tournament.

  • Advanced Team Features

    • Team Boosters(Auto assigned by League Manager) (For the match in which auto booster has been assigned, it will get activated once the lock time of its previous match is over.)

      Default Value

      Select the matches to assign booster League manager can assign specific boosters to specific matches.This booster will get automatically enabled for the match for all the league members.

    • Team Boosters(Individual use by league members) (To apply the individual booster for a specific match, it has to be applied before the lock time of that match.)

      Default Value

      Number of matches allowed for double the match points(applicable to salary cap Traditional Point Based league only) Total number of matches each team can select to get double the match points. (Not applicable if match-wise team update is turned Off. Only fantasy points scored by the players are included in the 2x Booster.)

      No.of matches/rounds allowed for booster trades Choose for how many matches you want to allow users to use trade booster.

      No.Of allowed trades for each booster Choose how many trades allowed for each booster.

      No.of matches/rounds allowed for booster budget Choose for how many matches/rounds you want to allow users to use budget booster.

      No.Of allowed budget for each booster Choose budget allowed for each booster.

      No.of matches/rounds allowed for team freedom booster Enable this booster to select players from any role, select any number of overseas and uncapped players and no team balance restriction.

      No.of matches/rounds allowed for mega freedom booster Enable this booster to get the benefits included in Team freedom booster and also get unlimited trades & budget.

      Number of matches allowed for 3x C-VC booster Enable this booster to get 3x points for your Captain and Vice captain for the applied match.

      No.of matches/rounds allowed for super pLayer booster Choose for how many matches/rounds you want to allow users to use super pLayer booster.

      Points multiplication factor for each booster Choose multiplication factor allowed for each booster.

      Number of matches/rounds allowed for bench booster Enable this booster to get bench player's points for the applied match.

      Number of matches/rounds allowed for free hit booster Enable this booster to get unlimted trades for the applied match and get previous team back for upcoming match.

  • H2H League Features

  • Default Value

    Points for winning a H2H round Assign the positive points which the winner of each H2H round will receive.

    Points for losing a H2H round Assign the points which the loser of each H2H round will receive.

    Points for tie in a H2H round Assign the points which both teams receive when a H2H round ends in a tie.

    Bonus Points for winning a H2H round Assign the positive points which the winner will receive if the winner beats the losing team by double fantasy points difference.

    Minimum points to be scored by the winner for the bonus Set the minimum points which the winner of the H2H round must score to be earn the bonus points.

    Minimum points to be scored by the loser, so that the winner qualifies for bonus Set the minimum points which the loosing team needs to score, for the winner of H2H round to earn bonus points.

  • You can modify the head to head round schedule as per your requirement.

  • League Management Tools

  • League manager can choose to delete this league

  • League manager can choose to change league name at any point during the tournament.

  • Get authority to modify teams for other league members by changing players and submitting their final team.

  • Distribute fantasy points among your league members

  • Distribute extra trade counts among your league members

  • League manager can choose to delete any league member at any point during the tournament.

    League members can be deleted from the league home page current standings

  • This will enable league/team managers to export data from their league in excel sheet.For example Matchup, Players List etc.

  • Scoring

    • Modify the points given for runs scored, sixes hit, wickets taken etc.This scoring rules will be applicable for all the matches.If any rules are changed after the tournament has already started, then it will affect the past matches scoring also.

    • Default Value

      Allow predict the winner of ongoing match This setting will allow the user yo predict the winner of match and get set the points awarded for correct prediction of winning team for the current live match.

      Assign Bonus Points for correct match prediction If winning match prediction is correct then team manager will get x bonus points.

      Assign Bonus Points for incorrect match prediction If winning match prediction is in correct then team manager will get x bonus points.

    • Default Value

      If you customize to have 2X points for 2nd Innings captain: 2nd Inning Captain will earns 2x the 2nd inning actual points + 1st inning actual point. 2nd Innings captain should be submitted within 1 hour after the match start time.

    • Default Value

      If selected Yes, then points for the no result game will not be counted.If selected No, then points for the the players played in no result game will be counted. The matches in which no winners are declared is considered as no result.

  • Extra Scoring

  • Exclude matches with low fantasy points (Only applicable in TPB Matchwise format)

    Default Value

    No.of Exclude matches with low fantasy points This setting will let you choose the no.of matches with low fantasy points to exclude from total score.

  • Bonus Points for match top 3 winners (Only applicable in TPB Matchwise format)

    Default Value

    Bonus Points for match winners Rank 1 This setting will assigned bonus points to ist ranked user for each match.

    Bonus Points for match winners Rank 2 This setting will assigned bonus points to 2nd ranked user for each match.

    Bonus Points for match winners Rank 3 This setting will assigned bonus points to 3rd ranked user for each match.

  • Leaderboards

  • Divide all the matches into different phases and monitor leaderboard for each.

  • Instead of counting points for all the players within a team, choose top performing X no.of players.

  • Create and manage groups in this league.Distribute league members among different groups and score points together in a group.

  • Avail option for custom leaderboard as per your requirement.

  • Support

  • Get emaill support instantly for your queries.

  • Get Phone call & WhatsApp support instantly for your queries.

  • An Cricbattle admin will be assigned for your league setup.

  • Premium Custom Leagues

  • Put your image branding, colour schemes etc. for your private leagues.

  • Play fantasy with custom made tournament for your college or company.

  • Play weekly format leagues

  • We can build a custom league rules for your private leagues.

  • TOTAL:
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